🍨Skateboarding in Suits: China's Giants Ride the Web3 Wave!

Get your bi-weekly scoop of web3 community news!

Welcome back to The Geral, the newsletter that’s already mythic in the web3 space. And the reason is pretty clear. We can already see our +1500 subscribers rushing to their email inbox after a hard week in the crypto echo chamber. You’ve heard hundreds of opinions about CZ stepping down from Binance, Sam Altman leaving OpenAI and whatnot… Now let’s deep dive into stuff that you didn’t know about and could make you the most interesting person in the room at your next family event.


  • Chinese Tech Giants dip their toes into web3

  • The Story of a Nouns-funded movie

  • UK regulators seek more tokenized finance

  • Building a strong community with Raid Guild

  • Introducing CharmVerse Rewards

Chinese Tech Giants Crash the Crypto Party in Istanbul

Picture two serious adults at a skateboard park. That’s what Huawei and Tencent looked like last week at the DevConnect of Istanbul, in a room full of young tech folks talking about crypto.

So, China's not really into cryptocurrency, but these companies are sneaking into the web3 scene. But here’s the funny part: While big traditional companies spend loads on cloud computing, the web3 folks are like, "Nah, we’ll spend way less." Still, these Chinese companies are happy to sell their services cheap to web3 projects.

Not just happy with selling cloud stuff, these companies are now building blockchains for businesses. They're staying away from the public blockchains, though, like avoiding the deep end of the pool.

Tencent's been teaming up with some big names in blockchain, like Sui and Avalanche, and even getting cozy with Ethereum. Meanwhile, Alibaba is hanging out with Aptos, a blockchain made by some people who used to work at Meta, and they're hosting cool tech events together.

Right now, web3 isn't a big money-maker for these Chinese tech giants, but they're sticking around, not scared off by the ups and downs of the market or big failures like FTX.

And there you have it! Chinese tech giants, once all about traditional tech, are now getting their hands dirty in web3. Will they hit the jackpot or just create a lot of buzz? We'll have to wait and see. Until next time, hope you can keep your crypto safe in the meanwhile…

The world of animated movies. Plot twist: Crypto's the new producer in town!

So, there's an animated movie, "The Rise of Blus," funded in chunks by Nouns DAO. Produced by Atrium, a crypto-native animation studio, this movie’s got a budget of $3 million. But here’s the catch: the cash keeps flowing only if a bunch of governance proposals get the thumbs up. It's like crowdfunding, but with more steps and handshakes needed.

The studio's head honcho, Supriyo Roy, is doing something pretty neat – he's dishing out updates on the film's progress and spending, but get this, it's all on-chain. It's like sharing your diary with the whole world, but in code.

Some of the brains behind this project worked on "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse." So, expect some visual zing similar to that Marvel masterpiece. Five out of eight chapters are funded, and the next trio of episodes, each about 10-11 minutes long, are set to roll out in the next eight months. If all goes well, we'll get an 80-minute film in the end.

The story? It's about a kid named Gi in the floating city of Blus. He dreams of becoming an adventurous "rover" instead of a yawn-inducing "recycler" like his dad. And the Nouns NFTs’ iconic “Noggles” glasses play a big part – they're all about choosing your own path.

Without outright mentioning NFTs or crypto, the movie winks at its origins. The second chapter introduces a mysterious substance named ether…Coincidence? I think not! It's like naming a magical element in a fantasy film 'dollar' and pretending it has nothing to do with money.

"The Rise of Blus" is not just an animated flick; it's a glimpse into how crypto can shake up traditional ways of doing business. It's a story of digital dollars meeting creative dreams, and possibly, a new chapter in the animation world.

UK’s Big Leap into Blockchain: Less Boring Finance?

So, the UK is finally jumping on the blockchain bandwagon. Investment managers are getting thumbs up to use blockchain for tokenizing funds. A group called the Investment Association says that turning shares into digital tokens is going to make everything in finance smoother and clearer- just like trading in your old, clunky calculator for a shiny new smartphone app.

This new plan is all about keeping records in real-time, shared with everyone involved. Think of it like a WhatsApp group for your money, making everything faster and cheaper. Settlements that used to take ages will now be quick as a wink.

Sarah Pritchard from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is all for this new tech trend. She's dreaming of a future where the UK leads the pack in smart money management.

These digital token funds need to be UK-based and follow all the usual rules. They’re basically saying “You can join the party, but don’t forget your manners.”

The UK government is clapping from the sidelines for this. They’re all about bringing in new, cool tech stuff and being the place where the future happens.

So there you have it, it’s great to see parts of the West trying to benefit from the good side of tech, understanding that a better world will always be fueled by innovation.

Best Practices for your Token Community

Curious about how a group of folks is reshaping the web3 landscape? Dive into our latest blog post featuring an exclusive chat with "benedictvs" from Raid Guild. This isn't your ordinary tech talk - it's a peek into a decentralized collective tackling web3 challenges with a flair that's part medieval, part modern tech. Learn the details on how a successful token community collaborates and operates in a few minutes👇.

Cool Stuff Seen on CharmVerseđź‘€

We’ve got another game-changer for you. How is that possible? Probably a mix of our commitment to making web3 collaboration effortless and the presence of literal coding ninjas in our team. So here’s the deal- we believe that every bit of your contribution in a web3 community should get the spotlight it deserves. And that’s why we’re introducing CharmVerse Rewards to every CharmVerse space! Go check it out on our dApp!

Memes of the month🔥

Another episode of The Geral, another series of fire memes for ya. We’re really starting to believe this is the most value we add to this world.

First of all, happy Thanksgiving to all our readers in North America. Hope you didn’t end up in this situation:

A quick story of one of the main tech news of last week:

In the meanwhile, some are still dealing with this:

Finally, if you’re here reading The Geral, you’re probably tired of all the redundant Binance posts on Twitter, most likely made by people like:

That’s a wrap for The Geral #14! See you in two weeks for another deep dive into the world of Web3 communities.