🍨 Asia's Web3 Gaming Revolution Unchain-ed!

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the long-anticipated moment you have all been awaiting has finally arrived. The culmination of your collective patience and eagerness has now been rewarded: the second edition of The Geral, your favorite monthly newsletter, is finally out!

And actually, it's okay if you hadn't heard of The Geral before reading this, but seriously, subscribe because we are in for a massive episode of this epic journey. We'll say it again, here you'll get no redundant BS news you've seen on Twitter thousands of times, no mystical price predictions sending $ETH to the six-figure range in the next 3 business weeks, just a deep exploration in the realm of web3 communities to help you better navigate this space.

Anyways, if you've stuck around until now, congrats.. you're probably one of the high-potential individuals who are looking to shape this space with us. So let's see what we've got for you this month.


  • The explosion of the web3 gaming community in Asia

  • Luna Classic gets ready for DAO automation

  • OKX to Power Web3 Innovation as a Sponsor of Consensus Web3athon

  • The role of IP NFTs in Decentralized Science

  • The Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade

The explosion of the web3 gaming community in Asia

Sometimes headlines can try make you believe that you are in the wrong spot on planet Earth and that so much is getting done in places far away. Then, there are facts. When you see a market of 1.7 billion gamers, with a strong societal emphasis on gaming culture and characters, you have to understand that web3 gaming is getting serious in parts of Asia.

The appeal behind web3 gaming is pretty obvious. We all feel bad for those 11 year old kids who stole their mom's credit card to buy a crazy Fortnite skin, knowing that it has very little value and will always be owned by the companies behind the game. Now, everything changes when you have web3 integrations that allow you to literally own those perks and exchange them through NFTs or other digital assets. That dope skin becomes a valuable asset that has value in a veritable economy built around the game, which ultimately feeds gamers' deepest drive: competitiveness. And that is what companies and governments in Asia, led by Japan and South Korea, have not missed.

The Japanese government has formally issued a white paper detailing the plan to boost the web3 industry, with a big emphasis on gaming, in the coming years. This whole plan is widely known as the project called "Cool Japan". Yes, they couldn't have found a cornier name, but we'll take this any day compared to Gensler'2s "throwing darts at a board" regulation style.

With adapted tax rules, a comprehensive framework around digital assets, and a number of public-private partnerships in the books, we can't see how gaming would not become the next big wave in the Asian web3 community. Knowing that the likes of Pac-Man, Pokemon, and League of Legends all originated from Japan and South Korea, it is safe to think that we are still in for some amazing experiences.

Luna Classic gets ready for DAO automation

There are days that will go down as some of the darkest in History. And in web3's short history, the darkest of all was arguably May 9th 2022, with the collapse of the Luna Ecosystem. From the ashes of this day was born Luna Classic, as a glimmer of hope for the Terra community.

Ever since, the cryptocurrency has done relatively well, constantly ranking in the Top 100 coins in terms of market cap, but never fully living up to the expectations around it and its harsh heritage. One thing for sure though, is that the Luna community did not want to repeat errors from the past. The community is now gearing up for DAO automation, which means that a no-code tool will power its operations in a transparent, autonomous and open way. Decisions like the management of staking rewards or the formation of an emergency will be made according to the will of the community, a big improvement if you ask us. Maybe it will help some people avoid situations like this in the future:

OKX to Power Web3 Innovation as a Sponsor of Consensus Web3athon

Anyone who has ever been involved in building in the web3 space knows how great hackathons can be. Hackathons encourage innovation, collaboration, community-building... all those things that have become the bread and butter of the industry. To be frank, OKT Chain's reference to them as "lots of fun and hard work" is pretty simplistic but could not be more accurate.

The OKC network- built by the second largest crypto-exchange by volume, OKex- is holding a pretty huge hackathon for the web3 developer community. The goal is to build the next generation of dApps that will keep us, web3 passionates, caught in the net of blockchain and decentralization. Because developers are like superheroes in this space (but instead of capes and masks, they wear nerdy headphones and carry laptops), we want to send our biggest support to those building web3 with us and wish good luck to all the hackathons participants.

What we’ve been reading recently…

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Best practices for your web3 community

If you're into science in general, you must have heard about how web3 communities can speed up scientific progress and drive innovation. And that's why Decentralized Science is such a hot topic at the moment, creating endless possibilities for more efficient collaboration between scientists. If that's your cup of tea, we suggest you take a look at the role Intellectual Property NFTs are playing in this little revolution.

I know we said no redundant news, and you've probably seen that the Ethereum network had been upgraded in mid-April about a dozen times daily. But that's probably the kind of event hyped up by people who are also into a "cloud-based SaaS web3 infrastructure powered by AI featuring gluten-free quantum blockchain smoothies" venture on Twitter. If you want a clear outline of the upgrade and what it means for the Ethereum community, there you go.

Cool stuff seen on CharmVerse 👀

A bounty-board has just been set up by our friends at Seam. You can create SDK blocks and get rewarded for that, whoever you are and wherever you are. When other newsletters trick you with imaginary trend lines designed to make you believe that there is a secret society drawing the chart of your favorite crypto, we got you with nice ways to get some USDC with 0 investment... Okay, that was just in-case some of you guys hadn't subscribed yet 😶

This is surely big enough to mention, so we won't restrain ourselves. The legendary Joi Ito, who has marked innovation in tech worldwide made a full video reviewing CharmVerse and its capabilities. He did the same for GPT-4 and other game-changing tools, so yes we're flexing, and rightfully so.

Memes of the month

We don't believe in conspiracy theories, but what if it we got it all wrong and everything happening was just one man's fault (besides Gary Gensler)...

While we pray that uncle Cramer keeps web3 out of his mouth every day that we breath, we are low-key hoping for someone else to get into the industry. You guessed it...


Also, we hope everyone is staying safe in this tax season…


That's a wrap for this edition for The Geral! We'll come back very soon for new epic adventures. Stay tuned!